30 Days Wild

Three photos shown in bubble shapes. A woman and a man having fun crossing stepping stones, a young girl looking through binoculars and a ladybird on a stem

Images thanks to Evie & Tom photography, Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography and Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

Be the first in line for 30 Days Wild goodies

Get ready for 30 Days Wild this June, the UK’s biggest and - we'd argue - most fun nature challenge! Having celebrated its first decade, 30 Days Wild is back for another year with new and exciting changes that will make your wild adventure even more unforgettable. 

30 Days Wild is YOUR chance to connect with wildlife, boost your well-being and make a positive impact on the planet. 

Pre-register today and when official sign-up opens, you’ll be the first to hear for the best chance of securing your 30 Days Wild goodies, including free seeds.  

Don’t miss out – pre-register now and get ready to go wild this June.

Pre-register now

What is 30 Days Wild?

30 Days Wild is a free, month-long challenge designed to inspire people of all ages to do something wild during the month of June. From puddle jumping, feeding the birds in your garden to exploring a local nature reserve, every action – big or small – helps you to connect with the natural world around you. 


Pre-register for 30 Days Wild

Will you be taking part with children?
This includes taking part as a family or in a childcare setting.

We promise to protect your data, in accordance with The Wildlife Trusts' Privacy Policy

Why take part in 30 Days Wild?

false - Matthew Roberts


Feel happier and healthier

Spending time in nature is proven to reduce stress and improve mental well-being

Buff-tailed bumblebee

Buff-tailed bumblebee © Vaughn Matthews 


Make a difference

Your actions, however small, can really help local wildlife thrive

children insect

Paul Harris/2020VISION


Fun for everyone

Whether you're going solo or taking part with your brood, there is something for everyone!