©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
More ambition needed to reduce pesticides, say The Wildlife Trusts
UK Government publishes new pesticide plan today – The Wildlife Trusts respond
Taking action against the use of pesticides in your local area
Director and founder of Pesticide-Free Scotland, James Byrne, explains why and how you can take action against the use of pesticides in your local area.
Meeting Bees Needs in the Countryside: the Jordans Farm Partnership
Much has been said in recent years about the decline of our wild bee populations - and for good reason.
Will banned bee-killing pesticides become the new norm?
The Wildlife Trusts’ lawyers contact the Secretary of State to question the legality of ignoring expert advice
Medway Pesticide Amnesty
Bees with Beth
A walk discovering the bees that make Cley Marshes their home.
Pesticide free Wadebridge, Cornwall
Government puts bees at risk
The Government has again put bees at risk by permitting the use of the banned pesticide thiamethoxam on sugar beet in England in 2022.
All About Bees
Learn the differences and similarities between honeybees other bees.
To put nature in recovery, we must overturn the decision to allow bee-killing pesticides
Lucy Pegg, Public Affairs Officer at the Wildlife Trusts, writes on the damage risked to nature by the decision to give emergency authorisation for the use of Cruiser SB to treat sugar beet seed…
UK environmental organisations urge Government to enforce bee-harming pesticide bans
13 leading environmental organisations are today calling for the UK Government to show its commitment to reversing bee declines by fully enforcing the ban on neonicotinoid pesticides.