HS2 – new report reveals exorbitant cost to nature
A new report published by The Wildlife Trusts today reveals, for the first time, the vast scale of the destruction and impact that HS2 will cause to nature.
A new report published by The Wildlife Trusts today reveals, for the first time, the vast scale of the destruction and impact that HS2 will cause to nature.
UK Government must require re-evaluation of nature loss and compensation say The Wildlife Trusts
New report shows how large-scale nature restoration along the HS2 proposed route could help heal blighted communities and damaged countryside
A year ago HS2 was given the green light. It is fair to say the world has changed a great deal in the last year, and the facts surrounding HS2 have altered dramatically. So what now? Here, Matthew…
In the latest in our HS2 blog series, Kate Dewey, Senior Planning Officer at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, looks at the impact of HS2 on ancient woodlands, and explains the reality of…
On the day that HS2 Ltd are due to take legal possession of a precious Wildlife Trust nature reserve, The Wildlife Trusts’ Rachel Hackett will present evidence to the HS2 Bill Select Committee as…
In the latest post in our series about HS2, Ian Jelley sets out the HS2 ambition vs the reality as seen in recent weeks.
The Wildlife Trusts condemn HS2 Phase 2b draft Environmental Statement. Public consultation closes Friday 21st December.
Months of uncertainty mixed with hopeful optimism ended this week with the Government’s announcement that HS2 will go ahead.