©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
Land management advice
Injured bird advice
Free Estate Planning and Advice Workshop
At Somerset Wildlife Trust we believe preparing for the future should be simple and that making or updating a Will doesn’t have to be a daunting experience.
Free Estate Planning and Advice Workshop
At Somerset Wildlife Trust we believe preparing for the future should be simple and that making or updating a Will doesn’t have to be a daunting experience.
A review of The Climate Change Committee's Seventh Budget Advice from a land and nature lens
There is a lot to applaud in the Climate Change Committee’s seventh carbon budget advice to the UK Government, which is out today. But some key gaps remain on nature and resilience; director of…
What's it like to be the vice president of a committee?
Marie tells us what it's like being part of a community group committee, including the challenges and the rewards.
Taking Action for Nature in Eden
Get practical support & advice to help your community group take action for nature.
Will banned bee-killing pesticides become the new norm?
The Wildlife Trusts’ lawyers contact the Secretary of State to question the legality of ignoring expert advice
Binocular Demo Day
Try out our range of binoculars and telescopes get advice from our staff on the best optics for you
Binocular Demo Day
Try out our range of binoculars and telescopes get advice from our staff on the best optics for you
Binocular Demo Day
Try out our range of binoculars and telescopes get advice from our staff on the best optics for you