©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
Hen harrier
The hen harrier has been severely persecuted for taking game species and has suffered massive declines in numbers as a result. Thankfully, conservation projects are underway to reduce conflict…
Response to hen harrier brood management proposals
Hen harriers are one of the rarest breeding birds in England. The Wildlife Trusts cannot support the recent decision by Natural England to licence what is called “brood management” of hen harriers…
Upland birch wood
Elegant, airy woodlands of silver-barked birches found across the northern uplands. Often transient in feel, with scattered trees growing over the heathy field layer of the surrounding moorland,…
Upland calcareous grassland
Limited in distribution, this sweetly-scented, short-cropped, springy grassland is famed for its abundance of rare and scarce species.
Marsh harrier
The courtship of the marsh harrier is certainly a sight to behold - wheeling and tumbling through the sky, male and female partners lock talons in mid-air. Look out for this rare bird over…
Upland acid grassland and rush pasture
These grasslands, occupying much of the UK's heavily-grazed upland landscape, are of greater cultural than wildlife interest, but remain a habitat to some scarce and declining species.
Upland spring, flush and fen
These tiny habitats, the source of our streams and rivers, are fundamental to the well-being of whole water catchments.
Upland mixed ash wood
Beautiful displays of flowers spread under the gentle shade of unfurling ash leaves in spring, while in winter the abundant ferns and mosses mean these small, rocky woods retain a watery greenness…
The Wildlife Trusts’ marine highlights and challenges of 2023
Sensational bait ball spectacles at sea, new marine protection and hope for whales and bluefin tuna: The Wildlife Trusts' marine review 2023
Fat hen
Fat hen is a persistent 'weed' of fields and gardens, verges and hedgerows. But, like many of our weed species, it is a good food source for birds and insects.
Guided walk at Hen Reedbeds
Join Blyth Valley Wildlife Group for this fascinating birdwatching tour of the beautiful Hen Reedbeds Nature Reserve.