The Wildlife Trusts react to new proposals for further badger cull expansion
The Wildlife Trusts are deeply concerned that recent government proposals indicate an intention to increase badger culling further.
©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
The Wildlife Trusts are deeply concerned that recent government proposals indicate an intention to increase badger culling further.
The Wildlife Trusts are deeply concerned that recent government proposals indicate an intention to increase badger culling further, by expanding culling into low risk and edge areas, and…
The Wildlife Trusts are disappointed and saddened that the Government has issued new licenses to cull badgers in seven areas of England. These cover 33 existing areas and 7 new areas for 2021. To…
The Wildlife Trusts' response to new figures released by the government.
The Wildlife Trusts welcomes UK Government’s recognition of the importance of badger vaccination in their bTB eradication strategy but asks – is the badger cull really worth it?
Ellie Brodie, Senior Policy Manager, outlines The Wildlife Trusts’ policy proposals for the future of farming and land management in England.
The Government today announced that it is suspending the sourcing of BCG vaccine for English badger vaccination schemes, that the 2015 badger culls were ‘successful in meeting their targets’ and…
Yesterday the Government gave the green light for supplementary licences for badger culling – despite opposition that The Wildlife Trusts and hundreds of other concerned organisations and…
Defra has announced a change in policy that will make it possible for badgers to be culled in areas of England that the Government have deemed ‘low risk’ of bovine tuberculosis (bTB). The Wildlife…