©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
An introduction to dragonflies and damselflies
Learn about the life cycles and habitats of dragonflies and aids to identification. Then participate in a field study of adult dragonflies.
The Dragonflies of Swanwick Lakes
Find out about the dragonflies and damselflies of Swanwick Lakes
Dragonflies of Amwell
Take a short walk through Amwell Nature Reserve ...
Introduction to Dragonflies with Henry Stanier
Learn how to identify dragonflies, and their natural history and ecology
Wildlife Watch - dragonflies and damselflies
Join us for our July Wildlife Watch session, where we'll be tracking down dragonflies and damselflies.
Dragonflies in Devon - an illustrated talk with Dave Smallshire
Dave will give us an illustrated overview of the biology and identification of the dragonflies and damselflies to be found in Devon.
Bloomin' Brilliant BioBlitz - Bold butterflies and dazzling dragonflies
Join Recorders of the Avalon Marshes to learn more about butterflies and dragonflies as part of the Bloomin' Brilliant Bioblitz!
Dragonflies and other insects with Wymondham Nature Group at Toll's Meadow
Come and discover some of the dragonflies and other insects at Toll's Meadow.
Member-only: Dragonflies at Drumburgh Moss
Join us for a steady walk around the circular route at Drumburgh Moss.
Identifying Dragonflies and Damselflies at Attenborough Nature Reserve
Join invertebrate expert Dave Goddard on a Dragonfly and Damselfly ID course suitable for all abilities at Attenborough Nature Reserve.
Dragonfly walk
Join us at Upton Fen in search of dragonflies, with a county expert