©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
Parent bug
The Parent bug lives up to its name. The female lays her eggs on a Silver birch leaf, watching over them until they hatch. She stays with the young until they are adults. Other shield bugs lay…
A parent's guide to storytelling
A gentle introduction to the ever-evolving tradition of oral storytelling with professional storyteller Justine de Mierre.
Wild Child – a toddler’s-eye-view of the urban jungle
Hear from author Florence Wilkinson as she explores our wild world with a toddler in tow. Her book “Wild City” is out now and takes us on a fascinating journey into why we should engage with our…
Little cuttlefish
This little cuttlefish really lives up to its name - it only reaches about 6cm long!
Stand up for badgers
Tim Birch, Director of Nature's Recovery at Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, tells us why badgers need our help now more than ever.
Little tern
Found around our coasts during the breeding season, the little tern is a diminutive seabird. Despite its size, it performs remarkable aerial courtship displays.
Little grebe
The little grebe is a fantastic diver, but to help it swim underwater, its feet are placed towards the back of its body, making it rather clumsy on land. It only really comes ashore to breed.
Little egret
The elegant little egret was once a rare visitor to our shores, but can now regularly be spotted around the coastline of England and Wales. Look out for its beautiful neck plumes that herald the…
Little owl
Introduced into the UK in the 19th century, the diminutive little owl can now be seen along hedgerows, on farmland and in parkland across England and Wales. It often perches on a pole or rock,…
Luton Little Bugs
Little Bugs is a fun morning of nature exploration and discovery within the enclosed area of Wardown Park's arboretum