Girton Grasslands
The grasslands have unique properties, enabling them to support a specific range of common and rare wildflowers, as well as invertebrates, wading birds and mammals.
©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
The grasslands have unique properties, enabling them to support a specific range of common and rare wildflowers, as well as invertebrates, wading birds and mammals.
A summer meadow is a beautiful sight, but there’s so much more to it than gently waving grass heads and fabulous flowers.
A site of unusual geology and associated flora
Flower-rich grasslands, once a part of every farm, are part of our culture. Most have developed alongside humans because of livestock grazing and cutting for hay. Many have archaeological and…
Summer wildflower identification of grasslands including sampling methods and recording.
Here, Eleanor Dodson, digital marketing & communications officer from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust shares more of the wonderful wildlife that can be found at this great spot!
This is a strange, sparse habitat of grassland growing on old mining tracks and slag heaps, on river gravels and naturally exposed metal-rich soils in the mountains. Only the toughest metal-loving…
An upland area of heathland known as Limestone Heath which is an uncommon habitat on the Mendip Hills and is great for heathland flowers. Another unusual feature for this limestone area is the…
The Wildlife Trusts’ petition - with 8,450 signatures collected in just four weeks - is handed to Environment Minister, Owen Paterson, today
Limited in distribution, this sweetly-scented, short-cropped, springy grassland is famed for its abundance of rare and scarce species.
An unimproved area of limestone grassland with an a wonderful array of floral species
An unimproved area of limestone grassland with an a wonderful array of floral species