Adopt a tree or habitat


Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Adopt a tree or habitat


Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Somerset Wildlife Trust - A wildflower meadow

What you'll receive for £30: A gift card, a sample of wildflower meadow seeds to sow, an information sheet about wild meadows, a postcard and an adoption certificate.

Adopt a wildflower meadow with Somerset Wildlife Trust.

Somerset Wildlife Trust - A crab apple tree

What you’ll receive for £10: Your gift will include an information sheet, a crab apple post card, adoption certificate, and 3 crab apple seeds with instructions on how to plant them.

Adopt a crab apple tree with Somerset Wildlife Trust.

Tree hugger (c) Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Somerset Wildlife Trust - An ancient tree

What you'll receive for £10: An information sheet, an ancient tree postcard, an adoption certificate, and two acorns for you to plant!

Adopt a tree with Somerset Wildlife Trust.


Paul Hobson

Shropshire Wildlife Trust - A holly tree

What you'll receive for £20: A photo gift card, sponsorship certificate, and a fact sheet about the nature reserve.

Sponsor a holly tree with Shropshire Wildlife Trust.

A common spotted orchid. It's a tall tower of bright pink flowers, frowing from a sturdy green stem

Common spotted orchid © Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Essex Wildlife Trust - An orchid

What you'll receive for £15: This digital adoption contains a downloadable certificate and fact sheet. Our Adopt a Species scheme helps continue our vital conservation work, protecting the wildlife and wild places of Essex. 

Adopt an orchid with Essex Wildlife Trust.

Oak Leaf

© Gemma de Gouveia

Essex Wildlife Trust - A tree

What you'll receive for £15: This digital tree adoption contains a downloadable certificate and fact sheet about Essex's trees. By adopting a tree you'll be helping us to continue our vital conservation work, protecting the wildlife and wild places of Essex. 

Adopt a tree with Essex Wildlife Trust.