Protecting Norfolk's toads
John Heaser, from Toadwatch, gives an illustrated talk about Norfolk's toads and what we can do to protect them
Exploring our seas
Dr Lissa Batey describes The Wildlife Trusts’ award-winning exploration of English seas
Yet again World Oceans Day is a good news day for our seas!
Joan Edwards of The Wildlife Trusts reflects on being a member of the HPMA panel and is calling on Government for an ambitious delivery plan for Highly Protected Marine Areas within a year.
Bringing our seas to life
Our seas are amazing, but much of the wildlife is hidden beneath the waves. So how do you bring these hidden wonders to life?
Help Save our Seas
Discover what you can do to help protect our incredible sea life
Protecting Worcestershire’s Hidden Rainforests
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust has a rare opportunity to purchase land adjacent to our Hanley Dingle nature reserve, which has a distinctive ecosystem reminiscent of a rainforest and stands as a…
Watershed in battle to save our seas
Today the government has announced an important new wave of marine protection. It marks the culmination of decades of campaigning by The Wildlife Trusts, our volunteers, supporters and members. A…
Time to get drastic on plastic for the sake of our seas
How plastic is affecting our seas, and small steps we can all take to reduce our impact
A Huge Wave of Support for our Seas
22,000 people give their Wave of Support for 41 proposed new Marine Conservation Zones.
Unique moment to save our seas
New report urges Government to tackle five challenges simultaneously