Shocking state of England’s rivers
As the Environment Agency release figures today that reveal just 17% of England’s rivers are in good health, the Blueprint for Water coalition is urging communities across England to make a stand…
©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
As the Environment Agency release figures today that reveal just 17% of England’s rivers are in good health, the Blueprint for Water coalition is urging communities across England to make a stand…
From otters to freshwater shrimps, all animals are dependant on an abundant and reliable supply of clean water. Rivers sustain the natural environment, wildlife and people in equal measure.
Government inaction on pollution could see rivers get worse before they get better
Hear from Ros Anscombe about the history, wildlife and aspirations of the Heart of England Forest.
New England Wood covers 21 hectares (53 acres) of broadleaf woodland at Lee Mill, half a mile from the A38 and seven miles to the east of Plymouth. This new nature reserve also has the River Yealm…
Alice Wickman of Suffolk Wildlife Trust will talk on the wildlife and ecology of rivers in general but will also make reference to our local rivers.
Cool, crystal-clear waters flow over gravelly beds, streaming through white-flowered water-crowfoot and watercress in serene lowland landscapes.
Three years ago, when data on the health of England’s waters was last published, headlines showed a sorry picture. With the latest data showing that little has changed, The Wildlife Trusts warn…
Today marks the day by which rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal and underground waters across England and Wales should, according to legislation, be in good condition – but the reality is that…
Pine martens have been reintroduced to England for the first time following near extinction. Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust has led this first formal reintroduction of a charismatic species, once…