MPs warn Government that countryside and farming are at risk
A new report by a parliamentary committee published today warns Government that environmental protections must not be weakened after Brexit. The Wildlife Trusts respond...
©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
A new report by a parliamentary committee published today warns Government that environmental protections must not be weakened after Brexit. The Wildlife Trusts respond...
It's time to act. The future of our countryside is being determined by the Agriculture Bill.
The Government has again put bees at risk by permitting the use of the banned pesticide thiamethoxam on sugar beet in England in 2022.
New farming policy stripped of ambition to aid nature recovery
Our friends at The Countryside Code want to help you get the most out of your wild #30DaysWild adventures this June!
Call to recognise the value of wild places as government consultation closes
The Government are failing to deliver sustainable agriculture that addresses the nature and climate crises.
Motivating farmers with pheasant’s eye, pink tractors and rare moths – award-winning farm advisor, Alison Cross is putting nature back into Hampshire… Emma Robertshaw, head of media at The…
Much has been said in recent years about the decline of our wild bee populations - and for good reason.
Today, the Government has given the green light to the use of the banned neonicotinoid chemical Thiamethoxam on sugar beet crops this year. This follows the decision earlier this year to grant an…