Common dog-violet

Common Dog-violet

©Philip Precey

Common dog-violet

Our most familiar wild violet, the Common dog-violet can be spotted in a range of habitats from woodland to grassland, hedgerows to pastures. Its pansy-like, purple flowers appear from April to June.

Scientific name

Viola riviniana

When to see

April to June

Species information


Height: up to 12cm

Conservation status



If you see a violet in the wild, it is most likely to be the Common dog-violet. This widespread plant lives happily in many different habitats, including woodland, grassland, heathland, hedgerows and old pasture. It flowers from April to June, but its flowers are not scented, unlike those of its cousin, the Sweet Violet, which was used as a perfume in Ancient Greece!

How to identify

The purple flowers of the Common dog-violet resemble those of pansies. It has heart-shaped leaves and, unlike some other types of violet, has no scent.



Did you know?

This plant is very important for several fritillary butterflies, including the Small pearl-bordered, the pearl-bordered and the silver-washed fritillaries, because they lay their eggs on it.

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