In search of wood anemones
Enjoy a spring walk whilst looking for a special spring flower.
Enjoy a spring walk whilst looking for a special spring flower.
A wander around NWT Holme Dunes looking for interesting flowers, plants and butterflies along the way.
Got a question about wildlife? Search our website to find the answer!
Celebrate National Meadows Day by tracking down a host of enchantingly-named wildflowers and butterflies in a meadow…
Help keep Norfolk's beaches pristine for wildlife!
Throughout my internship, I am contributing to marine conservation by assisting with marine mammal research in Cardigan Bay, collecting data on marine mammals from land and boat-based surveys, and…
National citizen science survey of intertidal habitats.
With tiger-like stripes, red fins and a humped back, the perch is a striking fish. It can be seen in lowland waterbodies and waterways across the UK, often in shoals.
National citizen science survey of intertidal habitats.
Join us at Lowestoft Beach (down from CEFAS) to celebrate National Marine Week.
Join us at Lowestoft Beach (down from CEFAS) to celebrate National Marine Week.
The European larch was introduced into the UK from Central Europe in the 17th century. Unusually for a conifer, it is deciduous and displays small, greeny-red cones on brittle twigs.