©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
The brilliance of beetles
Steve Garland, chair of Lancashire Wildlife Trust and beetle expert, explores the world of these incredible, armoured insects.
Tiger beetles
The Wonderful world of Water Beetles
Water beetles are amongst the most diverse animals found in ponds! Join us as we take a deeper look!
Gardeners urged to help beetles
Beetles are the unsung heroes of the garden and need our support urge the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and The Wildlife Trusts, as they launch 2021’s Wild About Gardens campaign.
2-day Introduction to Water Beetles with Kevin Rowley and Henry Stanier
An introduction to water beetles and how to identify them
Dung beetles: getting to the bottom of naturally healthy livestock systems
Join us for a informative workshop to learn what dung beetles do for us and what we can do for them.
Soldier beetle
One of our largest soldier beetles, often found on flowers where they hunt other insects.
Whirligig beetle
Ever wondered what that little black dot whirling in circles on the top of the water of a pond is? Those are whirligig beetles! Often seen shooting across the water surface on the hunt for its…
Beeston Wildlife Group Talk: Beetles Top The Charts with Tim Sexton
Join Tim Sexton as he explains the diversity and wonder of the wide variety of beetle species around Nottinghamshire!
Minotaur beetle
Named for its three bull-like horns, the minotaur beetle is a large dung beetle found on grassland and heathland. Adults drag dung back to their nests for their larvae to feed on.
Rhinoceros beetle
The rhinoceros beetle lives up to its name by sporting a distinctive 'horn' on the males' head. This glossy, blue-black beetle can be found in woods, parks and hedgerows, and…