Adopt a grazing animal

Highland cow in a field with grazing ponies in the background, The Wildlife Trusts

© Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Adopt a grazing animal

Highland cow Wildlife Trust

Peter Cairns/2020VISION

Kent Wildlife Trust - Highland cows

What you'll receive for £32: A cuddly soft toy, information sheet, certificate and a photograph.

Adopt a highland cow with Kent Wildlife Trust.

Kent Wildlife Trust - Bison

What you'll receive for £32: A cuddly soft toy, information sheet, certificate and a photograph.

Adopt a bison with Kent Wildlife Trust.

Highland cow in a field with grazing ponies in the background, The Wildlife Trusts

© Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire - Highland cows

What you'll receive for £15: A digital adoption certificate and Highland cow factsheet.

What you’ll receive for £36: An adoption certificate, a factsheet, a Highland cow soft toy, a wooden magnet, badge and keyring, an exclusive signed Highland cow artwork print by local artist Jamie Poole, and a voucher entitling the recipient to 50% off a Wildlife Trust BCN membership.

Adopt a highland cow with The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire.

puffin wildlife trust

Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

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