30 Days Wild 5 Year Summary Review
What is 30 Days Wild?
30 Days Wild is the UK’s one and only month-long nature challenge from The Wildlife Trusts. It invites everyone to do something wild every day in June, connecting us all with the beauty and wonder of our natural world. In 2024 we’re celebrating 10 YEARS of 30 Days Wild.
It's official! 30 Days Wild makes us feel happier and healthier
Over the past five years, the University of Derby has been analysing data from 30 Days Wild to measure the impact of the challenge on participants.
Building on three peer-reviewed papers, the University of Derby has evaluated survey responses from more than 1,000 people over five years and discovered the enduring effects on wellbeing from participation in 30 Days Wild – the positive effects are still felt two months after the challenge is over.
Key findings:
- 30 Days Wild resulted in very significant increases in nature connectedness for those who began with a weak connection to nature – their nature connectedness rose by 56%
- 30 Days Wild boosted the health of participants by an average of 30%.
- 30 Days Wild made people, particularly those who started with a relatively weak connection to nature, significantly happier
- 30 Days Wild inspired significant increases in pro-nature behaviour
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