There’s no getting away from it: I’m a townie. I’ve lived and worked in them all my life, some of my favourite holiday memories are city-based and I love nothing more than wandering the streets of London, heading to the theatre and having my pick of restaurants and bars.
Of course, lockdown has made most of this impossible and like lots of people I’ve had to adapt to that horrible buzz phrase everyone is now obliged to use – the new normalTM.
Some days are good, some not so much. But what all this nonsense has done is force me to reconnect with my bike, my tiny patio garden and the parks closest to my house. I also now walk along part of the Thames towpath every morning. In fact, this walk is fast becoming non-negotiable for my overthinking, anxious brain. Balance is another overused word at the moment, but clichés become clichés for a reason…
But what all this nonsense has done is force me to reconnect with my bike, my tiny patio garden and the parks closest to my house. I also now walk along part of the Thames towpath every morning.
As anyone who follows me on Instagram will know, all of this has led me to seek out the wildlife on my doorstep: the two-day old cygnets that just hatched in Kingston; the protected area for skylarks in Bushy Park; the deafening sound of woodpeckers (I don’t know which variety because I’ve yet to catch them on camera) in Home Park.