Both of us have spent many years working on climate change, and both of us could be described as big sceptics around ‘carbon offsetting’. This is partly because offsetting is too often used by big companies to salve guilty consciences while carrying on with polluting business as usual. But it is also because nearly all offsetting has historically involved emitting carbon pollution first, and then trying to draw it down from the atmosphere later (in many cases, much later).
That’s why we’re proud and very excited to now be launching a £38 million nature-based solutions programme with Aviva, which we believe fundamentally turns the traditional ‘offsetting’ model on its head, removing carbon from the atmosphere before it can be emitted, while also funding the restoration and recovery of one of Britain's rarest and most precious woodland habitats now; our lost Atlantic rainforests.
These precious, romantic woods once covered much of the wet, west coast of Britain, from Cornwall to Scotland. But these days there are just a few fragments left that have become all the more special for their rarity.
The places that we will create, to reconnect our rainforests, will become beautiful havens for wildlife and for local communities. Their unique, damp conditions provided by their proximity to the Atlantic coast will allow luxuriant mosses and lichens to cloak the trunks of oaks, birch and willow.