Planning a greening project with the over-55s of Hastings

Planning a greening project with the over-55s of Hastings

A group of residents over 55 Bevin Court flats, Hastings
I met Maggie, who'd made a list of plants to attract bees and butterflies, Caz and Baz who walk their little dog around the estate, Dave, and Eric, Esther and Annie.

Sussex Wildlife Trust’s Sarah Watson explains how this group is getting started. 

‘Community organising’ is about supporting people to achieve things themselves, rather than doing it for them. So my role is to listen, to help build confidence, and to signpost to sources of funding and expertise if needed.

I met Angela, a local housing association officer. She put me in touch with a group of over-55s that want to start a greening project at a high-rise block of flats in Hastings, one of our Nextdoor Nature target areas.

I went to meet the group, and with tea and biscuits, listened to their concerns, and their exciting vision for the green space next to their block. I met Maggie, who’d made a list of plants to attract bees and butterflies, Caz and Baz who walk their little dog around the estate, Dave, and Eric, Esther and Annie.

They want to create a wildflower meadow, plant fruit trees and install a bench. They’d like an attractive green place to enjoy - a better space for nature and for their wellbeing. I spotted some challenges as they showed me round; a thicket of invasive poplar saplings taking up a lot of the space, and plenty of field bindweed, which can stop other wildflowers from growing.

I’m looking forward to cheerleading Maggie and the gang to make their Nextdoor Nature project happen!

I’m arranging to invite them to a nature walk at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve this summer for some inspiration.

Find out more on their Nextdoor Nature Page here.

Nextdoor nature - Swansea

 The Wildlife Trusts 

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