As custodians of more than 70% of land in the UK, famers have a vital role to play in helping nature recover from past losses.

Many of the M&S UK produce growers already demonstrate great practice in protecting wildlife on their land and beyond. Through the specifically developed M&S Farming with Nature programme, we support the M&S growers to do even more to benefit wildlife by helping them create and improve space for nature on their farms.

All of the farms have achieved the LEAF marque standard, the farm assurance system, showing that food has been grown sustainably with care for the environment, but by working with their local Wildlife Trust farm or FWAG expert farm advisor, the growers will be able to achieve even more for wildlife; for example - considering habitat connectivity within the farm and surrounding landscape enabling species to move and access resources such as food, water and shelter.   

As part of the M&S Farming with Nature programme Wildlife Trust farm advisors from Herefordshire, Kent, Lincolnshire, Suffolk, Surrey and Sussex are available to growers to provide advice on land management.  They also run group grower events to help growers connect with each other and share best practice.   

Wildlife Trust advisors visit a number of selected farms across the UK undertaking surveys to establish a baseline of habitats present for wildlife.  After which, surveys in subsequent years will show how habitats have increased and improved, helping to support even more wildlife.