© Tom Hibbert
Map nature's comeback
Know of some unloved places? Want special places to have more protection? Tell us about them!
We want you to show the UK Government that nature and climate crises can be tackled by protecting nature.
We're creating a map of areas across the UK that shows where people want to see nature recover, or where nature needs help to recover more quickly. In the future, these areas could help form a 'Wildbelt' of protected areas. These green spaces would allow nature to thrive, help soak up carbon emissions, and help with extreme weather events.
Areas identified so far!
What to do
Drop a pin on our map to highlight a place near you. Maybe it's somewhere you love but want to see improved for nature with more green roofs on the buildings, or hedgerows along the roadsides nurtured so they explode with birdsong, or perhaps more street trees cooling and cleaning the air in our towns and cities.
Or maybe it's a place with potential - an unloved patch of concrete where nature is just waiting to burst through, or a derelict park, or perhaps even a well used but nature-depleted green space down the road!
We want to show our governments the spaces that we treasure. These spaces, if joined up, could allow plants, animals and water to move and thrive. The natural world needs to adapt to change and for it to do so we need to provide space for wildlife.