My Wild City in Bristol

Urban purple wildflowers

Wild flower planting in urban situation - Paul Hobson

My Wild City in Bristol

Led by Avon Wildlife Trust in partnership with Bristol City Council, with funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, My Wild City is a three-year project focusing on eight local wildlife sites in different neighbourhoods across Bristol, linking people living in the communities nearby with these spaces. My Wild City focuses on eight separate local wildlife sites in different parts of the city, helping them to become part of the Nature Recovery Network.

The sites are Dundry Slopes, Northern Slopes, Hengrove Mounds and Hawkfield Meadow, Lawrence Weston Moor, Saltmarsh Drive Open Space, Stockwood Open Space, Coombe Brook Valley, and Dundridge Woodland

Through the project, people of all ages have opportunities to learn about the wild plants and animals in each local wildlife site, as well as build skills and knowledge to play their part in helping them thrive in the future.

Daffodils in woodland

Rainbow Daffodils in woodland, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom. April 2011. - Neil Aldridge

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Avon Wildlife Trust