Nature For Everyone

Nature for everyone

Aleksandra Krolikowska

Nature For Everyone

We need a legal right to local nature

Spending time outdoors, connecting with nature, has so many benefits to our mental and physical health. We believe everyone, everywhere, of every age, should have access to wild spaces and the positive impacts they have.  

There are huge inequalities when it comes to who has access to green spaces, with one in three people in England not having nature near their home. This disparity must end.

That's why we've joined over 60 organisations in demanding that the Government implement a "legal right to nature".  

Support our call for #NatureForEveryone

Asian woman in a wheelchair being pushed by an Asian man. They are in a park surrounded by trees.

Is there an area near you that has the potential for nature to thrive?

Three women walking in a woodland.

Explore nature reserves near you

A family walking on a nature trail path. The man has his arm around the woman who is carrying the little girl.

Did you know that young people are spending less time outdoors than ever before?


Why is access to nature so important?

We should all be able to experience the joy of wildlife in our daily lives.

Evidence shows that even seeing nature through a window has a positive impact on our health. Creating more, and better, natural spaces and protecting and improving those we already have, will boost our mental and physical wellbeing, delivering billions of pounds in cost savings to the NHS and creating thousands of jobs.*

This is also critical for the future of nature. The Government has a legally-binding commitment to halt the decline of wildlife by 2030, but much more action is needed. Wildlife is in long-term decline and we will never be able to restore nature if so many communities are left bereft of natural spaces.

If duties on developers and public bodies to bring nature to people’s doorsteps are included in new Levelling Up laws, we can help guarantee access to nature for all, and make important gains towards Government targets to restore our struggling wildlife.

What are Levelling Up laws, and why are they important?

The Government has said it wants to improve opportunities and quality of life for people more evenly across the country - it calls this 'Levelling Up'. To do this, the Government will introduce new laws, referred to as 'Levelling Up laws.' The Government's plans include investing money in towns, cities, rural and coastal areas, and giving those areas more control over that investment.

The planning system is central to delivering accessible natural spaces where we live. Planning reforms will be included in new Levelling Up laws, and offer us a vital opportunity to ensure equality in our access to nature.

Legally-binding duties on developers and public authorities are crucial. They will ensure all Government departments consider people’s access to nature when making plans and decisions and work towards delivering equal access. It will also enable Local Authorities to deliver the thriving local nature spaces that communities need and mean developers will consider nature more when considering plans for development and preparing their proposals.

What are ’nature-rich spaces’?

In place of sparsely planted parks dominated by run-down concrete playgrounds, we want to see thriving wildlife, abundant habitats and natural play and picnic areas. Bleak, cracking river paths can be transformed into avenues of blossoming trees with thriving reedbeds, fish, insects and birds. These enhanced natural spaces will provide natural flood, climate change and pollution defences, and homes for wildlife, alongside being great places to walk, cycle and socialise.

All natural spaces in communities should be well-designed and varied, to help people and wildlife to thrive side-by-side. Strict standards will be needed on the quality and quantity of nature expected in these spaces, which our campaign aims to secure. 

In addition to being well-managed to enhance wildlife, these spaces should optimise exercise, play and relaxation and deliver climate and flood protection and urban cooling.