Businesses urged to rewild employees with 30 Days Wild in June

Businesses urged to rewild employees with 30 Days Wild in June

Businesses are urged to take care of staff by signing-up to The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild – the UK’s biggest nature challenge – in June.

At a time when caring for employee wellbeing has never been more important, 30 Days Wild offers a proven way to feel happier and healthier, even months after taking part. We know that:

  • 41% of employees experienced poor mental health caused by work in 2020
  • 81% of employees taking part in team activity days with The Wildlife Trusts reported an increase in their overall wellbeing
  • 30 Days Wild boosts the health of participants by an average of 30%

The 30 Days Wild annual challenge from The Wildlife Trusts has had more than a million participants to date – an estimated 650,000 people took part in 2020 alone. Every year, people sign up to do a ‘random act of wildness’ every day for 30 days during June. Popular activities include listening to birdsong, taking wildlife photographs and planting seeds. 30 Days Wild is proven to boost your mood, health, and sense of connection to nature.

30 Days Wild participants are provided with ideas, wallcharts and activity sheets that give everyone easy ways of enjoying nature whatever their location. These ‘random acts of wildness’ range from walking barefoot on grass, to sitting beneath a tree or watching birds on a feeder.

Results show that taking part in 30 Days Wild not only significantly increases people’s wellbeing and heightened sense of nature – but that these positive increases are sustained beyond the life of the challenge – for a minimum of two months after it is over. The people who benefit most are those who have a relatively weak connection with nature at the start.

Sign up to take part in 30 Days Wild during the month of June – you will receive, for FREE:

  • A 30 Days Wild business pack with weekly content to make it easy to get your employees going wild. Or employees can sign-up to receive daily emails
  • Details of fabulous events happening during the 30 Days Wild of June: a big wild breakfast, a literary wild talk, a big wild camp-out and a big wild quiz
  • A bundle of fun resources, Random Acts of Wildness – ideas for connecting to nature, and a wallchart to plot your 30 Days Wild experience
30DW21 Business Pack

Take advantage of nature-themed Mental Health Awareness Week, from 10th to 16th May, to promote 30 Days Wild to employees!

The University of Derby monitored 1,000 participants of 30 Days Wild and found:

  • 30 Days Wild boosted the health of participants by an average of 30%
  • 30 Days Wild made people, particularly those who started with a relatively weak connection to nature, significantly happier
  • 30 Days Wild inspired significant increases in pro-nature behaviour

 Russell Cooper, Head of Corporate Partnerships, at The Wildlife Trusts says:

“Nature plays a vital role in supporting our health and wellbeing.  We want to encourage businesses of all sizes to take part in 30 Days Wild so that employees are able to enjoy wildlife as part of their everyday working lives.  Spending just five minutes outside surrounded by nature helps lower stress levels and staff who are able to spend time in natural spaces are happier and more productive. The activities of 30 Days Wild are proven to help build people’s connection with the natural world, a relationship that will continue to flourish long after.”

Fabienne Gress, Responsible Business Assistant Manager, Hogan Lovells:

“Our colleagues have loved reconnecting with nature through our charity partnership with The Wildlife Trusts.  30 Days Wild is an eagerly awaited challenge as the activities are simple and fun to do within a short space of time during work or leisure time.  We encourage teams to get outside as much as possible at any time of year for virtual games, wildlife yoga and various fundraising events.”

Valerie Todd, HR Director, Siemens Plc:

“Many of our colleagues look forward to 30 Days Wild every June and the uncertainties of the last year mean that it feels more relevant than ever.  We find that the challenge inspires employees to get closer to nature and that they enjoy sharing the experience with each other too. We want our people to benefit from regular nature engagement and the wellbeing benefits that this brings.”

Tessa Lomax, Brand Controller, Jordans:

“We’re super-excited about taking part in the 30 Days Wild challenge this year. It’s a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how nature has helped us all to maintain a positive attitude and celebrate the joy it brings into our daily lives. Jordans’ teams love to get out in nature – whether that’s tending to their veg on their allotment, photographing local wildlife, or just feeling the benefits of bird song on a lunchbreak walk.”

How nature and business work together

The Wildlife Trusts have a wealth of expertise in delivering projects to help people and wildlife and in designing campaigns and activities which inspire people to embrace nature and the wellbeing benefits that this brings. 

  • Employees of leading international law firm Hogan Lovells support The Wildlife Trusts through their employee fundraising activities and generous provision of pro-bono legal advice.
  • Every year, more than 600 employees from Siemens Plc take part in Wild Work Days – improving natural places in their communities and demonstrating the value of nature on employee wellbeing. More than 81% employees reported an improved sense of wellbeing following their time spent with their local Wildlife Trust.
  • Jordans Cereals farmers set aside 10% of their land to be managed for wildlife and together they provide over 4,000 hectares for wildlife.  Over the last 5 years each of Jordans’ oat farmers have worked with experts from their local Wildlife Trust to put in place measures to benefit species including birds, bat and pollinators.
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Take part in 30 Days Wild

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