Hull Wild LIVE event tickets now available!
Tickets are now available for The Wildlife Trusts’ Wild LIVE event which will see speakers from the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, environmental consultants Stantec, and RSA Insurance explore the benefits that Natural Flood Management initiatives can bring in tackling flooding.
The Environment Agency reports that one in six properties in England are at risk of flooding1 and that flood risk is expected to at least double by 20502. Hull City Council suggests that ‘it is likely that your property is at risk from at least one source of flooding. It is also likely that you have already been impacted, either directly or indirectly, from a past flood event, or will experience a flood in your lifetime’.3
Using natural flood management means investing in beaver dams, creating ponds, restoring bogs, rewilding rivers and de-paving areas so that they can soak up water and hold it back in times of high rainfall.
There will be an opportunity to put questions to the panel, who will discuss the extent to which these lower-cost schemes can complement traditional ‘hard’ flood defences to best help protect communities from the effects of river, coastal and surface water flooding.