Updated: The Wildlife Trusts' response to Coronavirus

Updated: The Wildlife Trusts' response to Coronavirus

In light of recent Government restrictions, The Wildlife Trusts urge people to enjoy local wildlife and maintain a connection with nature to help boost their wellbeing, whilst remaining mindful of guidance.

Friday 30th April 2021

In light of the recent easing of lockdown restrictions, the majority of Wildlife Trust nature reserves are open the public and some events are also now available to book. These places and events are fantastic ways to get closer to nature!

We continue to advise checking with your Wildlife Trust before visiting a nature reserve, and urge all visitors to always respect Government guidelines. When spending time in nature, remember to love and look after those spaces that give us much needed solace, and to follow The Countryside Code

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Following the latest Government announcements relating to the coronavirus pandemic, which see England, Wales and mainland Scotland return to a national lockdown, The Wildlife Trusts are urging people to maintain a connection with nature for their own wellbeing, whilst being careful to respect Government guidelines.

The majority of Wildlife Trust nature reserves with open access will continue to provide a place of solace for all that visit. However, in a small number of cases some nature reserves, particularly where there is gated access, will be closed in line with Government advice. Bird hides will also be closed to comply with the latest restrictions. Before visiting a nature reserve, please check with your Wildlife Trust for the latest information to ensure you have a safe and successful trip. With more nature reserves than McDonald's restaurants, there are many to choose from whilst staying local!

With schools once again closed for the many, we appreciate many parents, carers and teachers may be after inspiration for keeping young people occupied, whilst continuing to develop key skills. Please take a look at our Wildlife Watch YouTube channel for ideas that are particularly suitable for primary students, with new content released on Wednesdays. Our Action for Insects guide for schools also includes great ideas for students, including some activities suitable for secondary students.

It's not just school students that will benefit from growing or maintaining a connection with nature however, with evidence showing that it can promote improved mental wellbeing in all of us. For activities to keep young, old and anyone in between entertained and connected, see our ideas for lockdown here.

When undertaking any Wildlife Trust activity or visiting any of our sites, please continue to follow social distancing guidelines to help control the spread of coronavirus and check GOV.uk for the latest guidance where you live. Please also make sure to love and look after our wonderful wild places that our wildlife calls home, so that you and others can continue to enjoy them.

For earlier Wildlife Trust responses to the coronavirus outbreak see here.