Cheshire Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £25: A welcome letter, certificate, information leaflet on how to attract and look after hedgehogs in your garden, template to create your own hedgehog highway through your fence and a cuddly hedgehog toy or book, all presented in a gift box.
Adopt a hedgehog with Cheshire Wildlife Trust.
Devon Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £25: A soft toy, fascinating factsheet, personalised adoption certificate, welcome letter (which can be personalised), information leaflet on how to attract and look after hedgehogs in your garden, template to create your own hedgehog highway through your fence - all presented in a gift box and sent direct to you or the gift receiver.
Adopt a hedgehog with Devon Wildlife Trust.
Northumberland Wildlife Trust
What you’ll receive for £20: A welcome email, personalised adoption certificate, hedgehog fact sheet, hedgehog photo, E-version of NWT’s magazine Roebuck 3 times per year and a quarterly e-newsletter featuring key news, where to spot wildlife and how you can help.
Adopt a hedgehog with Northumberland Wildlife Trust.
Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £15: A gift pack including a certificate of sponsorship, photograph, two factsheets all about hedgehogs and their habitat, welcome letter and a wildlife postcard to keep or send to a friend.
Adopt a hedgehog with the Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.
The Wildlife Trust for South and West Wales
What you'll receive for £25: A certificate, welcome letter, factsheet, a soft toy, and a yearly report.
Adopt a hedgehog with The Wildlife Trust for South and West Wales.
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive: A cuddly 18cm hedgehog plush toy, a gorgeous wooden hedgehog keyring, an ‘I love Hedgehogs’ double sided bookmark, an ‘All About Hedgehogs’ Booklet full of interesting facts and lots of lovely pictures and an adoption certificate
Adopt a hedgehog from £3 a month with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust.
Shropshire Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £20: A gift certificate, a photograph and an illustrated factsheet, packed with interesting information.
Sponsor a hedgehog with Shropshire Wildlife Trust.
Durham Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £25: A personalised welcome letter, a two-page fact file, a certificate and a cuddly toy.
Adopt a hedgehog with Durham Wildlife Trust.
Ulster Wildlife
What you'll get for £25: A species fact cards, Ulster Wildlife car/window sticker, and a beautiful enamel pin badge.
Adopt a hedgehog with Ulster Wildlife.
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £15: A factsheet about hedgehogs, an adoption certificate, a welcome letter from us, a Create Your Own Nature Reserve Game for our younger adoptees, a thank you message with a note to the recipient from you, a hi-res image of a hedgehog in Worcestershire to use as a screensaver.
Adopt a hedgehog with Worcestershire Wildlife Trust.
Surrey Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £25: An adoption certificate, cuddly toy, factsheet, photo, sticker.
Adopt a hedgehog with Surrey Wildlife Trust.
The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire
What you'll receive for £15: A sponsorship certificate, a hedgehog factsheet with tips on how you can help hedgehogs.
Sponsor a hedgehog with The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire.
Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £30 (postal): A certificate, a soft toy, a guide packed with facts about your animal, a bookmark, and a packet of wildflower seeds. Plus three e-newsletters a year about your chosen species and what we're doing to help them. Price includes P&P
What you'll receive for £15 (digital): Two photographs, a certificate, a guide packed with facts about your animal, and an Adventures in Nature activity booklet. PLUS three e-newsletters a year, with information about your chosen species and what we're doing to help them. All this delivered by email to download or print.
Adopt a hedgehog with Herefordshire Wildlife Trust.
Dorset Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £15 (digital): Includes a hedgehog factfile, adoption certificate, photo, wildlife-friendly gardening in small spaces leaflet and a guide to making a hedgehog house.
Adopt a hedgehog with Dorset Wildlife Trust.