Kent Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £32: A certificate, 4-page fact sheet, 2-page update sheet, photograph and a soft toy.
Adopt a grey seal with Kent Wildlife Trust.
Scottish Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £30: A personalised adoption certificate, a beautiful wooden keyring featuring a seal, an exclusive papercraft model of a seal, an harbour seal fact file, a Go Wild activity book, a seal bookmark, two stunning seal postcards, details on how to sign up to receive exclusive email updates about seals.
Adopt a seal with the Scottish Wildlife Trust.
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales
What you'll receive for £25: A welcome letter, adoption certificate, fact sheet, and a soft toy.
Adopt a seal with Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales.
Cumbria Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £20: A certificate and fact file sent via email for you to either print off or forward on by email to your giftee if this is a present for someone else.
Adopt a seal with Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Manx Wildlife Trust
What you'll receive for £30: A cuddly grey seal pup, made using recycled plastic, or a grey seal pup enamel pin, along with a certificate and fact sheet.
What you'll receive for £50: A beautiful 'In Their Element' limited edition signed print by MWT Biosphere Artist in Residence 2022-2023 Clare Payne, along with a certificate and fact sheet.
Adopt a grey seal with Manx Wildlife Trust.