Join London Wildlife Trust


© Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography

Become a member of London Wildlife Trust

Protect the wildlife you love

London's wildlife is incredibly special, with over 13,000 different species calling London home.

Choose your membership type

Choose from the options below

Young woman birdwatching at Rutland Water
From £3.50 a month

Individual membership

Individual membership for one person
joint membership
From £4.00 a month

Joint membership

Joint membership for two people
picnic family
From £5.00 a month

Family membership

Family membership with extras for kids

From just £3.50 per month you can:

  • Care for more than 36 nature reserves across London
  • Protect rare species and nature in the capital
  • Challenge actions and developments that threaten wildlife
  • Give London's children the chance to experience real wildlife and nature close to their own homes