MPs and Ministers: How you can help defend nature

Landscape Recovery

Joe Cornish/2020Vision

MPs and Ministers: How you can help defend nature

We are losing nature at a faster rate than any time in our history

Decade after decade we have continued to see declines in our wildlife – with 1 in 7 species in the UK now under threat from extinction.

The abundance of iconic British species, such as the hedgehog and water vole, are in freefall and face joining other threatened species in the history books. When compared internationally, the UK is in the bottom 10% in terms of how much biodiversity still survives here.

This dramatic loss of nature has serious implications for our health, our ability to grow food and tackle climate change and, as shown in the Treasury’s recent Dasgupta Review, for the economy. The bottom line is: we need nature to survive.

That’s why we’re extremely concerned about the Westminster Government's plans to remove protections for England's rivers. The Government promised environmental standards would not be lowered - yet this comes just days after those assurances were made. Broken promises are no good to nature, nor people.