General election 2024: Satisfaction Survey

Introducing the Satisfaction Survey

The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has called a General Election in the UK for 4th July 2024. 

Right now, Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) are preparing to stand for election to become your Member of Parliament (MP) in the next government. They will be vying for your attention - and your vote!

They need to understand how important nature and healthy wild spaces are to you. They should want to impress you with their plans to tackle climate change and to bring wildlife back to your neighbourhood.

Score your candidates

We would like to know how well candidates are doing on the subject of nature and climate - you can give them all a satisfaction score!

If you have had a conversation or received a campaign leaflet from a candidate, choose the face below that best represents how well you feel nature is represented. You can also include more details, and an overview of the information they shared if you want to. 

We’ll regularly update the overall satisfaction score based on the feedback we receive from across the UK. You can check back here at any time to see how things change in the run-up to the General Election. We will use any further details to build relationships with candidates locally, helping them improve their nature knowledge and to raise their game when it comes to making plans for nature.


How was your conversation or the information you received?

Are local candidates talking about the state of nature in their election communications? Are their plans for nature and climate achievable? Were you satisfied, indifferent or unsatisfied with their commitments to nature's recovery? 

Let us know below.