Community centre brings new life to its back garden
Photo coyright / The Wildlife Trusts 2024
We hope that going forward this is a space that members of the public and the community know is available to them.
These two inspiring videos show how a disused space behind a community centre was transformed by local people. With the help of residents, volunteers and Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust, this patch of land will offer a peaceful spot for years to come.
9 months later, we returned to Belgrave Neighbourhood Coop Housing Association to see how the project had progressed. Watch the video below to see how the community worked with local organisations to create a vegetable garden and an amazing wildlife-friendly pond.

Katrina Martin/2020VISION
Have you been part of a community garden?
If you want to tell us your story, we'd love to hear from you and share your experience on the Community Hub.
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Please attribute as: “Nextdoor Nature (2022-2024) by The Wildlife Trusts funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, licensed under CC BY 40”