Peat Inspectors Open Letter to Retailers

Bogbean Menyanthes trifoliata, growing in pool on bog peatland at dawn, Flow Country, Scotland, June - Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Dear Retailers, please use clearer labelling for peat-containing products!

Hidden Peat - what has been discovered so far!

A huge thank you to the fantastic community of Peat Inspectors, whose efforts have uncovered some valuable information! The Wildlife Trusts are thrilled to report that there are 56 retailers to contact about improving their labelling on products that potentially contain peat. Peat Inspectors’ feedback has also made it clear that retailers need to share their plans for moving to peat-free alternatives beyond compost and plug plants.

Hidden Peat- an open letter to retailers

Responding to the fabulous sleuthing, The Wildlife Trusts have put the information collected into an open letter that will be handed in or posted to retailers that have been identified by Peat Inspectors. 

The letter asks about the company’s plans to promote peat-free products and how “peat-free” or “contains peat” labels can be added to fresh produce and plants sold in shops or online. The letter also asks about how the company is supporting farmers transition to using less peat and reducing reliance on peat containing soils.

The Wildlife Trusts would like to spotlight more retailers who are making these active changes for consumers.

Sign the letter today!

Please find more details in the full letter below.

Read the letter 


Complete the webform below to sign our open letter.

The open letter will be sent to retailers in the first week of February to celebrate World Wetlands Day.

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