The Wildlife Trusts offer: Off-site BNG units BNG Consulting, advice, assessments BNG monitoring and habitat management plans Conservation covenants Please fill out the form below regarding your BNG needs and we will be in touch as soon as possible. First Name Last Name Email address Business Name Company Registration Number Business website Search Address Click here to enter your address manually. Address Edit address Address Line 1 Address Line 2 ZIP/Postal Code City/Town State/Province Country Position/Job Title Business Sector - Select -AgricultureAutomotive IndustryCharity SectorChemicalsConstructionConsumer Goods – FoodConsumer Goods – Non-FoodCulture & MediaDefenceDevelopment, Property & Real EstateEducation / Higher EducationEnergyExtractive Industries, Mining & QuarryingFinancial ServicesFisheriesForestryGovernmentHealthcareHospitality & CateringInformation TechnologyInfrastructureInsurance ServicesLegal ServicesManagement ConsultancyManufacturingMobility & TransportationPharmaceuticalsProfessional ServicesReligiousRetail – FoodRetail – GeneralScientific & Technical ResearchServicesSports, Leisure & TourismTechnologyTelecommunicationsTradesWaste ManagementWater CompaniesWholesalersOther Enquiry details Are you the developer for the project? Yes No Your planning application/appeal reference number (if applicable) What is the postcode of the development? When are the units required? How many units are required? What type of habitat unit is required? Grassland Cropland Heathland and Shrub Woodland and Forest Individual Trees Wetland Urban Sparsely Vegetated Land Coastal Saltmarsh or Lagoons Intertidal Watercourse Other What type is your development? - Select -Assisted living & care homesBuild-to-rentData CentresEnergy projectsIndustrial & logisticsInfrastructure projects (including transport) under TCPALeisure & hospitalityNSIP (DCO)OfficesPrivate applicantPublic sector (including Education, Heathcare, Defence)Residential or DwellingsRetail (including food)Social (community hall, religious use)Strategic land or land promoterStudent accommodationUtility projectsOther Do you have a statutory biodiversity metric for the development site? Yes No How did you originally hear about BNG services? - Select -Social mediaEvent or conferenceMarketing or third partyNewspaper or periodicalReferralLocal Planning AuthorityWildlife TrustWildlife Trust ConsultancyOther I am happy for my details to be passed onto a local Wildlife Trust should they be better placed to answer my enquiry Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with news relevant to business and nature, including updates on TNFDs, Biodiversity Net Gain, and employee engagement? Yes please No thanks More If you are already subscribed then this will not affect your regular membership or news mailings. If you are an existing Wildlife Trust member or contact this will not affect your regular membership mailings or contact necessary for the administration of your membership. We promise to protect your data, in accordance with Wildlife Trust Privacy Policy. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Leave this field blank