Yellow slug

Yellow Slug

Yellow Slug ©Philip Precey

Yellow slug

The Yellow slug lives up to its name - its yellow body is mottled with grey patches. Often found in gardens and damp places in houses, it can be considered a pest, but is an important nutrient recycler.

Scientific name

Limax flavus

When to see

January to December

Species information


Length: up to 10 cm

Conservation status



With yellow-and-grey mottling on its body, the Yellow slug lives up to its name. This slug is the species that is most associated with people and urban environments, so can be found in gardens and in damp, dark areas of houses. It feeds on fungi, decaying matter and vegetables.

How to identify

The Yellow slug has a mottled, grey-and-yellow body, and blue tentacles.


Mainly found in England and Wales.

Did you know?

Snails and slugs are gastropods, which means 'stomach foot'.

How people can help

Our gardens are a vital resource for wildlife, providing corridors of green space between open countryside, allowing species to move about. In fact, the UK's gardens provide more space for nature than all the National Nature Reserves put together. So why not try planting native plants and trees to entice birds, mammals and invertebrates into your backyard? To find out more about encouraging wildlife into your garden, visit our Wild About Gardens website: a joint initiative with the RHS, there's plenty of facts and tips to get you started.