Nature Markets Principles

Essex WT - Saltmash restoration

2020 vision

Nature Markets Principles

What are the the Nature Markets Principles?

Wildlife Trusts across the UK have been instrumental in the development of various “nature markets”, including carbon, biodiversity credits, nutrient neutrality and natural flood management, delivering multiple benefits for society and the environment and new income streams for rural communities. The aim of Nature Market Principles is to encourage responsible private investment in nature recovery. Contact our business relationships team today to find out more. 

Read the Nature Market Principles

 The Nature Markets Principles have been developed with the RSPB, Woodland Trust, National TrustFinance Earth and Federated Hermes.

These principles send a firm message from some of the UK’s top deliverers of nature-based solutions that we will only engage with the highest integrity schemes. Buyers must stand up to scrutiny and truly contribute to nature’s recovery in the UK, while benefiting local communities. We welcome the business community and others working in this space to join us in upholding these principles.”
Dr Rob Stoneman, Director of Landscape Recovery
The Wildlife Trusts
© Les Binns

© Les Binns

Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMS): Landscape Recovery

Landscape Recovery projects use public and private funding, with the scheme aimed at landowners and managers who want to take a large-scale approach to producing positive environmental and climate outcomes on their land, such as improving soil health, enhancing biodiversity, reducing flood risks, and promoting carbon sequestration


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