Thank you for donating to secure the Rothbury Estate

Simonside Hills

Simonside Hills (c) Duncan Hutt

Thank you for your donation to secure the Rothbury Estate

You're part of a once-in-a-generation opportunity

Thank you so much for your generous donation.

Your support brings us one step closer to preserving the Rothbury Estate and creating a lasting impact for both nature and people.

Together, we're helping to restore vital habitats, protect wildlife and ensure a sustainable future for future generations. We truly appreciate your commitment to securing the Rothbury Estate for nature and the nation.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. 

Golden eagle


Your support will help to secure the future of the Estate

We will preserve the rich heritage of the Estate for future generations, pioneer regenerative agriculture and create a sustainable future for local farmers. We will also enhance public access so people can continue to enjoy this wonderful place.

Oak Leaf

© Gemma de Gouveia

Together, we'll protect vital habitats

The estate’s vast size offers an unparalleled opportunity to safeguard woodlands, wetlands, river corridors and diverse moorland habitats. From preserving globally important peatlands that lock up carbon to creating safe havens for red squirrels, pine martens and golden eagles, your donation will support the restoration of these vital habitats.

Bell Heather

©Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Creating a wildlife corridor across Northern England

Our vision is of a 40-mile-long wildlife-rich corridor, connecting the coast at Druridge Bay to the Scottish border at Kielderhead National Nature Reserve, with the Rothbury Estate at its heart.

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