Wilder Waterways in the Gordano Valley
Avon Wildlife Trust
The Gordano Valley in Avon is a very important site in the South West for wet meadows, and a network of ditches criss-cross this landscape, providing crucial habitat for a whole range of insect species. With funding from Wessex Water, Avon Wildlife Trust is working with partners including Natural England, the Environment Agency, the Internal Drainage Board and North Somerset Council to protect and improve the Gordano Valley landscape. The main focus is on restoring the ditches - locally known as ‘rhynes’. Managing ditches to benefit insects can involve reduced or delayed cutting of vegetation on ditch banks, and restricting fertiliser, herbicide or pesticide use on ditch banks or in fields adjoining ditches. Avon Wildlife Trust has liaised with local landowners and farmers, helping them to access funding and training them to manage their ditches.
• 250 landowners contacted
• Advice to 20 farmers
• Supported 12 farms to access funding for restoration work
• With partners restored 5 km’s of ditches

The Gordano Valley in Avon is a very important site in the South West for wet meadows, and a network of ditches criss-cross this landscape, providing crucial habitat for a whole range of insect species.