Wildlife Explorers Club
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
©Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
Mae’n hawdd iawn methu’r glas y dorlan trawiadol heb fod yn wyliwr craff iawn! Mae’r aderyn hardd yma’n hawdd ei adnabod diolch i’w liwiau glas llachar a chopr metalig. Mae’n gwibio ar hyd glan yr…
Mae’n cael ei hystyried fel arwydd cynnar o’r gwanwyn ac mae cân y gog, neu’r gwcw, yn swnio fel ei henw: ‘cwc-w’. Mae i’w chlywed mewn coetiroedd a glaswelltiroedd. Mae’r gog yn enwog am ddodwy…
Enjoy a nature discovery session in a quiet atmosphere.
Finley Reynolds, Co-Chair of The Wildlife Trusts' Out for Nature network, explores the legacy of Elke Mackenzie—a trailblazing botanist and explorer whose lichenology work shaped natural…
Join us this Easter for some outdoor fun!
Join Liz and Roger Neale for a delightful walk in the valley, looking at flowers, insects and birds overhead.
Several Wildlife Trusts have trialled new 'Wildlife Explorer' cards to help non-English speaking communities find out about the wildlife near them. Cheryl Burns, The Wildlife Trusts…
Coed y Bwl is an ancient Ash woodland situated on the northwest side of the Alun Valley and overlies the Carboniferous limestone. The site is a notified SSSI.