The chocolate-brown, plump dipper can often be seen bobbing up and down on a stone in a fast-flowing river. It feeds on underwater insects by walking straight into, and under, the water.
The chocolate-brown, plump dipper can often be seen bobbing up and down on a stone in a fast-flowing river. It feeds on underwater insects by walking straight into, and under, the water.
The starling is a familiar garden visitor that has a beautiful purple-and-green sheen to its black feathers. It is famous for its wintry aerial displays - massive flocks can be seen wheeling over…
Become a wildlife explorer for the morning and discover amazing species at Blashford Lakes.
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
The mistle thrush likely got its name from its love of mistletoe - it will defend a berry-laden tree with extreme ferocity! It is larger and paler than the similar song thrush, standing upright…
The tiny wren, with its typically cocked tail, is a welcome and common visitor to gardens across town and countryside. It builds its domed nests in sheltered bushes and rock crevices.
Join Gwent Wildlife Trust’s crafty ecologists, Kath and Lowri, to learn a new craft inspired by the Trust’s 10 vulnerable species!
Ymwelydd gaeaf ydi’r coch dan adain, yn mwynhau'r wledd o aeron tymhorol sydd gan wrychoedd, gerddi a pharciau'r DU i'w cynnig. Chwiliwch am y clytiau oren-goch nodedig o dan ei…
The song thrush is a familiar garden visitor that has a beautiful and loud song. The broken shells of their blue, spotty eggs can often be found under a hedge in spring.