Coppery click beetle

Coppery Click Beetle

Coppery Click Beetle ©Philip Precey

Coppery click beetle

The Coppery click beetle is a large, coppery-purple beetle with straw-brown wing cases. It can be found on grassland and farmland, and its larvae are known to feed on roots and damage crops.

Scientific name

Ctenicera cuprea

When to see

May to August

Species information


Length: 1.5cm

Conservation status



The Coppery click beetle is a large, narrow beetle that is found on grassland and farmland; the larvae (known as 'wire worms') live underground where they feed on roots and can cause damage to potato crops. Click beetles are known for their jumping abilities: by arching their backs they create tension in a special hinge in their thorax, which they can release suddenly, causing them to flip out of the way of danger. They can leap at speeds of more than 2 metres per second, creating a clicking noise as they do so. There are 65 species of click beetle in the UK, of which, the Coppery click beetle is one of the largest.

How to identify

The Coppery click beetle has a metallic, coppery-purple thorax. Its wing cases fade from straw-brown to purple, but some individuals may be entirely coppery-purple. It has long, toothed antennae. There are many of species of click beetle that can be difficult to tell apart.


Widespread, but more frequent in the north and west of the UK.

Did you know?

The related Violet click beetle is extremely rare in the UK, only occurring at three sites, including Windsor Great Forest. It is listed as Endangered on the global IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and is a Priority Species under the UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework.

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