Heineken fly

Heineken Fly

Heineken Fly ©Walwyn

Heineken fly

A common hoverfly, the Heineken fly has a distinctively long snout that enables it to take nectar from deeper flowers, reaching the parts other hoverflies cannot reach! It frequents hedgerows, gardens and woods.

Scientific name

Rhingia campestris

When to see

March to November

Species information


Length: 0.7-1.1cm

Conservation status



The Heineken fly is a common hoverfly found along hedgerows, in gardens and at woodland edges. Adults feed on the nectar of flowers like White Dead-nettle and Red Dead-nettle, and the larvae live and feed in animal dung.

How to identify

The Heineken fly has a rounded, dark orange body, dark brown thorax, and distinctive, long, orangey-brown snout.



Did you know?

The Heineken Fly has a long snout that enables it to reach the nectar in tubular flowers, which other flies cannot reach.

How people can help

Many of our often-overlooked insects are important pollinators for all kinds of plants, including those which we rely on like fruit trees. The Wildlife Trusts recognise the importance of healthy habitats to support all kinds of species throughout the food chain, so look after many nature reserves for the benefit of wildlife. You can help too: volunteer for your local Wildlife Trust and you could be involved in everything from coppicing to craft-making, stockwatching to surveying.