Daisy anemone

Daisy anemone

Daisy anemone by Devon Wildlife Trust

Daisy anemone

It is easy to be confused by these flower-like animals with flowery names! The ‘daisy’ anemone is one of the larger UK anemone species!

Scientific name

Cereus pedunculatus

When to see

April - October.

Species information


Up to 12cm tall and 7cm wide.

Conservation status




One of the UK’s larger anemones, the daisy anemone is usually found in deep pools or hiding in holes or crevices, or buried in the sediment with only tentacles displayed, down to a depth of around 50m.

How to identify

Between 500-1000 short tentacles, plum to brown in colour, with a dark trumpet-shaped column up to 12cm tall. However this is nearly always buried in sediment. Although it is similar in appearance to the 'elegant anemone' the daisy has the distinctive trumpet shaped column.


Common along the west coast of Britain and Ireland.

Did you know?

Anemones have to stay attached to rocks or other hard surfaces in order to stay alive, so they have evolved stinging cells within their tentacles so that they can protect themselves and be able to catch food!

How people can help

Always follow the Seashore Code when rockpooling - anemones should always be left stuck to the rocks, so please do not attempt to remove them as you can damage them. If you want to learn more about our rockpool wildlife, Wildlife Trusts around the UK run rockpool safaris and offer Shoresearch training - teaching you to survey your local rocky shore. The data collected is then used to protect our coasts and seas through better management or through the designation of Marine Protected Areas.
A coastal landscape, with the sea gently lapping at smooth rocks as the sun sets behind scattered clouds

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