How to make a shrub garden for wildlife
Woody shrubs and climbers provide food for wildlife, including berries, fruits, seeds, nuts leaves and nectar-rich flowers. So why not plant a shrub garden and see who comes to visit?
Woody shrubs and climbers provide food for wildlife, including berries, fruits, seeds, nuts leaves and nectar-rich flowers. So why not plant a shrub garden and see who comes to visit?
Become a wildlife explorer for the morning and discover amazing species at Blashford Lakes.
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
Cyflwynwyd creigafal i'r DU yn 1879 o Ddwyrain Asia fel planhigyn addurnol. Mae bellach yn rhywogaeth estron ymledol sy'n rheoli cynefinoedd gwerthfawr, gan gynnwys glaswelltiroedd…
Spend a relaxing morning learning about the winter trees and wildlife of Freemantle Lake Park.
Learn to identify a wide range of trees and shrubs in winter.
Learn to identify trees and shrubs by their leaves and flowers
Enjoy a nature discovery session in a quiet atmosphere.
Several Wildlife Trusts have trialled new 'Wildlife Explorer' cards to help non-English speaking communities find out about the wildlife near them. Cheryl Burns, The Wildlife Trusts…