How to make a shrub garden for wildlife
Woody shrubs and climbers provide food for wildlife, including berries, fruits, seeds, nuts leaves and nectar-rich flowers. So why not plant a shrub garden and see who comes to visit?
Woody shrubs and climbers provide food for wildlife, including berries, fruits, seeds, nuts leaves and nectar-rich flowers. So why not plant a shrub garden and see who comes to visit?
Become a wildlife explorer for the morning and discover amazing species at Blashford Lakes.
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
An event for 8 to 16 year olds to learn new skills and explore the outdoors!
Spend a relaxing morning learning about the winter trees and wildlife of Freemantle Lake Park.
Holly is a much-loved evergreen tree - its shiny, spiky leaves and bright red berries being a favourite in Christmas decorations. Found in all kinds of habitats, it provides an important winter…
Learn to identify a wide range of trees and shrubs in winter.
Learn to identify trees and shrubs by their leaves and flowers
Look out for the small Holly Blue in your garden or local park. It is the first blue butterfly to emerge in spring, and a second generation appears in summer. The caterpillars are fond of holly…
Enjoy a nature discovery session in a quiet atmosphere.
Our smallest nature reserve, Little Holly Corner demonstrates just what can be achieved for wildlife in a small space