Sea campion

sea campion

Vaughn Matthews (

sea campion

Sea campion by Alan Price

Sea campion

Scientific name: Silene maritima
If you happen to be near rocky places such as sea cliffs, shingle coastlines or even gravel paths during the summer months you will most likely come across sea campion.

Species information


Height: 15–30cm

Conservation status


When to see

May – September


Sea campion is usually found growing alone but it can also occasionally be seen in small clusters.

How to identify

Each sea campion flower has a pink- and purple-veined calyx flowerhead and five white, bi-lobed petals. This means that each individual petal is split down the middle, giving the illusion of ten petals instead of five. The sea campion’s upright grey-green stems are covered in small, waxy, lance-shaped leaves.


Common on most coastlines.

Did you know?

Sea campion has also been referred to as ‘dead man’s bells’, ‘witches thimbles’ and ‘Devil’s hatties’! According to folklore, this plant should not be picked as it is said to bring death.