How nature helps - World Mental Health Day 2024

How nature helps - World Mental Health Day 2024

The natural world is the foundation of our health, well-being and prosperity. Evidence shows that a thriving, wildlife-rich environment benefits both physical and mental health.

“Being out in the fresh air & surrounded by trees, grass & flowers relaxes me straight away. The peace, being away from traffic and mobile phones gives me a sense of wellbeing. It makes me feel happier. Being outside seems to make people more friendly which is good for my mental health too.” 

Taken from a #NatureHelps postcard, sent to the writer’s GP.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve taken a few steps forward towards a ‘Natural Health Service’, running alongside and shoulder to shoulder with the NHS.  As I wrote at the start of September in my piece ‘nature prescribing results in big improvements in mental health and well-being’, the Department of Health and The Treasury are starting to take notice, investing further into the Green Prescribing for Mental Health pilot.

But – a pilot it remains; running in just 7 places in England. World Mental Health Day gives us a timely reminder that it is high time we had nature on prescription everywhere. Independent economic analysis has shown the potential that could benefit - 1.2 million people - and the costs savings direct to the NHS, £100 million. Defra’s Environment Improvement Plan commits to this ambition by 2025, and between now and then, we have the new Government’s first budget imminent and a spending review in March 2025.

There has never been a better time to invest in community-based health. Nature prescribing will prevent illnesses and result in healthier communities that lean less on our National Health Service. This is investing to save.

What can you do to help?

Get the word out! Send your GP a postcard, telling them that #NatureHelps. We’ve created some fantastic postcards that can be posted for free meaning your doctor or another health professional can read first-hand about the positive impact their ‘prescription’ has had. We’re hoping these will be displayed in health centre waiting rooms and noticeboards so everyone can get the message – nature helps!

Lady in a meadow writing in a journal - smiling

false - Matthew Roberts

Let your GP know #NatureHelps

Make World Mental Health Day 2024 the day when together, we created unstoppable momentum towards a truly national ‘Natural’ health service.

Contact your GP