Join Gwent Wildlife Trust


© Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography

Become a member of Gwent Wildlife Trust

The difference you can make

Join Gwent Wildlife Trust as a member and discover and enjoy more local wildlife. Your membership helps us to maintain our nature reserves, giving wildlife a safe place to live, including installing dormouse boxes to fight the extinction of dormice! You'll also receive a great membership pack and regular magazines when you join us. 

Choose your membership type

Choose from the options below

From £2.50 a month

Individual membership

joint membership
From £3.00 a month

Joint membership

picnic family
From £3.50 a month

Family membership

On joining you will receive a welcome pack which includes:

  • A Nature Reserves Guide - discover the best place for wildlife in Gwent
  • Three issues of Wild About Gwent magazine each year - learn more about local wildlife and conservation action
  • Regular bulletins about, and discounts on our events, walks, talks and courses
  • Wildlife Watch pack and three issues of our magazine for children with all family memberships